Why Won't My Dachshund Eat? Tips to Encourage Appetite

As a dachshund owner, you know that mealtimes are usually a highly anticipated event for your dog. But what happens when your dachshund suddenly refuses to eat? It can be a cause for concern and may leave you wondering why your sausage dog has lost their appetite.

We have found that our dachshund can be particularly picky with his food, and goes through periods of time where he goes off his normal food (something we have covered in our post on the best food for dachshunds). However a loss of appetite in dogs can be a sign of more serious issues than being a fussy eater, so it’s important to understand when you might need to consult a veterinarian or other professional.

In this guide, we will explore the potential reasons behind your dachshund's unwillingness to eat and provide helpful tips to encourage their appetite.

Possible Causes of Loss of Appetite

Health Concerns or Dental Issues

One of the first things to consider when your dachshund stops eating is their overall health. Illnesses such as gastrointestinal issues, dental problems, or underlying medical conditions can all contribute to a loss of appetite. If your dachshund's refusal to eat is accompanied by other concerning symptoms or lasts for an extended period, it is crucial to consult with your veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues.

Dental problems can also be common among dachshunds and can cause discomfort or pain while eating. Check your dachshund's teeth and gums for signs of decay, infection, or gum disease. If you suspect dental issues, consult with your veterinarian for a thorough examination and appropriate treatment. You should also ensure that you are regularly cleaning your dachshund’s teeth to help prevent further issues.

Medications or Side Effects

Certain medications or medical treatments may affect your dachshund's appetite. If your dachshund has recently started a new medication or undergone a medical procedure, it's important to monitor their eating habits. Some medications can cause temporary loss of appetite or nausea. Consult with your veterinarian to determine if the medication is the cause and explore potential solutions.

Food Preferences, Boredom or Food Fatigue

Dachshunds, like humans, can develop preferences for certain types of food, and just like humans, dachshunds can get bored with their food. Your dachshund may simply be tired of their regular diet and crave something different. If they have been eating the same brand or flavor for an extended period, they may lose interest in their meals.

Consider introducing new flavours or textures to their meals to entice their appetite. You could also rotate their food options or add variety to their diet to prevent food fatigue.

We have found this to be the most common cause of our dachshund going off his food, and by gradually introducing different flavours of his usual food (we use Lily’s Kitchen which has a good variety of options) this usually keeps things interesting enough when he’s bored of his typical food.

However, it’s important to be cautious when introducing new foods and do so slowly if you’re changing to a different type of dog food, as a sudden change in diet can sometimes cause gastrointestinal upset or further issues.

Environmental Factors

Changes in the environment can also impact your dachshund's eating habits. Factors such as stress, noise, or disruptions in their routine can contribute to a loss of appetite. If you have recently moved, introduced a new family member, or undergone renovations, these changes may be causing anxiety for your dachshund. Creating a calm and quiet eating environment can help alleviate their stress and encourage them to eat.

Emotional Distress

Dachshunds are highly sensitive dogs and can experience emotional distress. We have discussed previously how separation anxiety in dachshunds can be an issue, while major life events or disruptions can lead to anxiety or depression, and these emotional issues may manifest as a change in appetite.

If you suspect emotional distress as the cause, providing comfort and reassurance to your dachshund may help alleviate their anxiety and restore their appetite.

Tips to Encourage Your Dachshund's Appetite

1. Consult with a Veterinarian

If your dachshund's loss of appetite persists or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms, it is crucial to seek professional advice from a veterinarian. They can perform a thorough examination, run diagnostic tests if necessary, and provide appropriate treatment options.

2. Evaluate Your Dachshund's Health

Monitor your dachshund closely for any signs of illness or discomfort. Check for changes in behaviour, weight loss, vomiting, or diarrhoea. If any of these symptoms are present, consult with your veterinarian to address any underlying health issues.

3. Offer a Variety of Food Options

If your dachshund is displaying signs of food fatigue or boredom, try introducing different flavours or textures to their meals. Consider rotating between high-quality dog food brands or adding healthy toppers such as freeze-dried meat or fresh vegetables to enhance their interest in eating.

4. Create a Calm Feeding Environment

Minimise distractions and create a peaceful environment during mealtimes. Avoid loud noises, excessive activity, or disruptions that may cause stress or anxiety for your dachshund. Provide a quiet and comfortable space for them to enjoy their meals.

5. Monitor Portion Sizes

Ensure that you are providing appropriate portion sizes for your dachshund. Overfeeding or underfeeding can impact their appetite. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the correct portion sizes based on your dachshund's age, weight, and activity level.

6. Consider Dental Health

Regular dental care is essential for dachshunds to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Schedule regular dental check-ups and cleanings to address any dental issues that may be causing discomfort while eating.

7. Avoid Excessive Treats

While treats can be a great way to reward your dachshund, excessive snacking can lead to a loss of interest in their regular meals. Limit treats to appropriate portion sizes and use them sparingly as a special reward.

8. Offer Regular Exercise

Regular exercise not only promotes overall health but can also stimulate your dachshund's appetite. Engage in daily walks, play sessions, or interactive toys to keep them active and encourage their appetite.

9. Introduce Mealtime Routine

Establish a consistent mealtime routine for your dachshund. Set specific feeding times and avoid leaving food out for extended periods. This routine helps regulate their appetite and creates a sense of predictability.

10. Seek Professional Guidance

If your dachshund's loss of appetite persists despite your efforts, consider seeking guidance from a professional dog nutritionist or behaviourist. They can provide personalised advice and recommend appropriate dietary adjustments or behavioural strategies.

Loss of appetite in dachshunds can have various underlying causes, ranging from health issues to environmental factors or food preferences. By understanding the potential reasons behind your dachshund's loss of appetite and implementing the tips provided, you can help encourage their appetite and ensure they receive proper nutrition. Remember to consult with your veterinarian for any concerning symptoms or persistent loss of appetite to rule out any underlying health conditions. With patience, care, and a balanced approach, you can support your dachshund's eating habits and overall well-being.


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